(De)regulation of general education policy in modern Georgia: on the example of the third-generation national curriculum


  • Ana Tchkonia Master of Education Sciences, Tbilisi State University


general education policy, national curriculum, policy regulation, policy deregulation, Georgian education, curriculum policy


The paper focuses on the issue of (de)regulation of general education policy of Georgia based on the main national curriculum of the country. To ensure the effectiveness of general education, fundamental importance is assigned to the predetermined regularity of (de)regulation of national curricula. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to study the practice of (de)regulation of general education policy of Georgia on the example of the third generation national curriculum. Qualitative research methods were selected to study the above-mentioned issues. Three types of interview guides for education experts, education policy makers and representatives of public educational institutions were used as a data collection tool within the research. As part of the research, 18 in-depth interviews were conducted. The present study has shown that the typology of the (de)regulation grid in modern Georgia for the national curriculum is not predetermined and does not obey a specific regularity. At the same time, the history of national curriculum planning was based on an elite decision-making model. In addition, the conclusion of the research is the fact that the public and private schools of Georgia rarely benefit from the specific powers that increase their degree of autonomy based on the national curriculum.


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