The role of Russian foreing policy in the formation of Russia’s state identity
Perceptions. Representations. Constructivism. Foreign Policy. State identityAbstract
In Wesern countries research dedicated to Russia which studies history of Russia, culture, economics, social life, politics, or identity issues, have always paid a huge attention in the humanities, social and economic sciences. The field of International Relations was not an exception. International Relations are interested in terms of studing foreign, and security policy of Russia, its National Inerests. Particularly, how the new Russia was formed as a state after the collapse of the Soviet Union, what role it has in the international system, how it is formed as an actor in world politics and what transformation its foreign policy directions are undergoingThe purpose of this work is .to analyze Russia's foreign policy from the perspective of the constructivism theory of international relations and to explain how modern Russia views and perceives the outside world and Russia's role in it. How does Russia perceive its interaction with other countries, especially with Western countries (EU and the U.S.A).How it creates its foreign policy priorities and how this foreign policy shapes the state identity of modern Russia.References
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