Challenges of Higher Education in Georgia: Implementation of Academic Social Responsibility during the Covid19 Pandemic.


  • Ana Papiashvili Invited Lecturer, Tbilisi State University


Higher Education, Covi19, Academic Social Responsibility, HEIs, support


The COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated significant transformations in the educational system, leading to a transition from traditional face-to-face instruction to remote formats. Within Georgia, particular challenges have emerged concerning internet accessibility and the availability of necessary technical resources. This article aims to scrutinize the measures undertaken by higher education institutions to ensure the uninterrupted continuation of educational activities during the COVID-19 pandemic and to assess their efficacy in fulfilling their academic social responsibilities. Through 25 in-depth interviews with academic and administrative personnel from higher education institutions and a survey encompassing 1,815 students, it was discovered that despite concerted efforts, universities struggled to assume a supportive role during the pandemic. The curriculum suffered disruptions, resulting in inadequate provision of education to vulnerable student demographics. Despite the implementation of instructional videos, training sessions, and guidelines, certain academic staff encountered difficulties in effectively delivering lectures via electronic platforms, consequently impacting the quality of teaching. Practical components, particularly those involving laboratory work, were notably affected. Consequently, students enrolled in medical programs had to adopt a hybrid learning approach, with remote lectures and on-site laboratory sessions. Consequently, representatives from the medical field criticized the inadequate support provided by universities during this period. Furthermore, despite institutional efforts to enhance educational accessibility, particularly from a financial standpoint, it was not possible to prevent the suspension of student statuses due to economic hardships. On a positive note, it should be said that efforts were made to digitize Georgian language learning materials to mitigate barriers faced by students. However, instances were reported in private universities where access to learning materials incurred charges, impeding student engagement. The findings of this study underscore the array of challenges faced by state universities in fulfilling their academic responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting private institutions to prioritize support for vulnerable students and prospective applicants, thus underscoring their academic and societal roles. Based on the comprehensive evaluation, it was discerned that higher educational institutions, amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritized the fulfillment of internal aspects of academic social responsibility, albeit at the expense of addressing external components to a lesser degree. Nevertheless, shortcomings persisted within the intra-university learning framework, indicating flaws in the educational process. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the landscape of higher education in Georgia, disrupting the teaching-learning process and diminishing access to quality education. Nevertheless, it has also brought about positive effects, such as alleviating financial and time constraints for students, alongside reducing daily expenses.    


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